Saturday, September 6, 2008


Why is guitar on all kind this much popular and gets more into music day by day? It grows more and more and you can hardly find a piece music or song without a guitar sound into it. I don't know why it is like this? If you have any answer for that, go on comment or send me email.
In my opinion, it is because you can wear it. You can feel it by your body. Your fingers touches its strings and most time it is much more nearer to your heart than most instruments. I love piano, electric sitar, bass, violin, and flute but the Evergreen, my electric guitar, is something so much different. I feel so hot with it. It sharpens my feelings, my heart, my mind, and every little cells of my body. I have got this passion for years when I was ten years old, when I was so child and couldn't afford buying one just like now.

"You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes
well you just might find
what you need"
The Rolling Stones

I know and like lots of guitarist from different types of music. I can name for example: "Jimi Hendrix", "Joe Satriani", "Steve Vai", "Yngwie Malmsteen", "Van Halen", "Glenn Tipton","Randy Rhoads", "Troy Stetina", "Jeff Hanneman", "Kerry King", "Zakk Wylde", "Chuck Schuldiner", and many more. All of them have some specific personal technics. Although, some of them had written great books but in my attitude the best way learning from them is by looking at their live videos. For a sample: Have you seen some of Joe Satriani's still pictures? He is very smart guitarist. He even use some his technics in them and that's a real proof how he mastered it. I will write lots of stuff in the following posts about all of them.

It doesn't make any difference if you are beginner or pro, you must practice everyday and also on each session start with warm-ups. Lots of the above mentioned guitarist have their own warm-up. Find all of them and do the same. Warm-up is very important. Devote at least a quarter to it. You can create your own type of it. I as a guitarist have created a lot. Sooner mine will reach the number 1001 and I will publish a book containing all of them. Huh huh huh, you can do the same if you have passion for that. Sometimes, I create three warm-ups a day.

By the way if you live at year 2008 just like me better get use of a computer and use the must-a-guitarist-have software named Guitar Pro 5. You can buy it at or ... .

I suggest the simple and very important one that is mine and you can download it at Warmup.gp5

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